Ok my mind has been screwed up for months from anger to depression and back. Through the anxiety might sound easy but combined all the above and it spell destruction. Now keep in mind that the mind remembers every stamp or memory you have can sometimes cause destruction.
Here s what I mean my parents got divorced early in my life and to me it was hell I didnt understand what went wrong . I was upset with mom dad sisters anuts uncles u name it. dad says nothing will change (oh how he lied so much) . Thats the thing it did change and I went through life father less cause the lier, lied through his fckin teeth. He drop what was a good family for some blonde hooker that in my eyes destroyed our family. Now my mind fights for what it didnt have or it should have. It pisses me off cause my mind thinks be a good father to your kids you know what it feels like to have your dad shit on you through out your whole life. And still to this day he is still a peace of shit, but I still Love him and would cry if he died.
As i fight my mind to do what it is right, it wants to be destrutive and destroy things, people, what ever is in my way. Why, I dont know why and noone can tell me all I know is lately all my stamps in life have come to the top and its about to blow. My mind wants to abandon all who love and care about me, on the account it dont want to be hurt anymore, or worry about who will try to attack next. la la la la thats how I feel, crazy , no not really kinda smart cause i ve been there many times and my mind knows this, so its scared of another stamp that may make u snap.
My mind set scared, angry, depressed, full of anxiety, antisocial and very desructive at this time want to drink, smoke, meth, acid anything to make me feel better, remember I used to be an addict so I dont feeling this way at all and it is very hard not to break this promise to my family that I made. So my family, kids, followers or people who care, people who has been where I'm at help me get through the hard times,(sometimes keep in mind it is very very very hard to do cause of my mind set) so please keep commenting and let me know, been there, care, dont care, whatever right. So please take care of your beautiful mind it knows where you have been and knows where your going you just have to follow it as long as it is safe.
goodday from dirts mind