Today is bad, the way I feel fuck all you mother fuckers who dont want to hear what i have to say, or what i care about. At least I not a spine less bastard who is scared of the goverment or anyone else. Censor me i dont care, i will still be heard weather or not you care or not, if you dont care fuck off and find somewhere else to live, CLEAR MY SITES , MY BLOGS , AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU THINK ISNT TRUE. I dont lie I tell the truth and if the truth hurts to fuckin bad, deal with it. I will not lay down and be run over again and again by all you spine less mother fuckers of this world. You dumb ass mother fuckers with all your money and power take this BLOG and shove it up your fucking ass, your the reason I m writing this blog cause you dumb asses think you are all that and more. All you goverment people encluding OBAMA eat me, you motherfuckers give yourself raises when ever you want and then dont give it to the ones who need it. In stead you are more concerned about a fucking war you can not win and will not. YOU STUPID BASTARDS CANT EVEN TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY OR ITS PEOPLE SO HOW THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF SOME ONE ELSES COUNRTY. YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKERS GROW UP DO WHAT WE PUT YOU THERE FOR TO TAKE CARE OF ARE WELL BEING NOT SOME OTHER COUNTRIES. LOOK STUPIDS JUST LOOK AT ARE FUCKIN WORLD HERE IN THE UNITED STATES IS IT ACTUALLY ANY BETTER THAN AFRICA, RUSSIA , CHINA, AND IF SO MOTHER FUCKERS HOW IS IT BETTER. TELL ME I DYING TO KNOW ALL YOU HIGH PAYED DUMB ASS I HAVE A FUCKIN "G.E.D." AND I M SMARTER THAN YOU DUMB ASS PEOPLE. oh what is the use all people just blow right by and dont give a fuck about what is happening here in the "u.s.a." what ever the fuck that means. for all you non followers who dont have a fucking clue what me and 20 million others are fucking talkin about just keep living your life the way your masters want you to, oh yeah while your at it bend over so they can FUCK YOU IN YOUR ASS LIKE THEY DO EVERY FUCKIN DAY OF YOUR SPINE LESS, NO CARE, SCARED WORLD. yes that right I m a mad mother fucker to day and I m holding nothing back tired of being told quit bitchin shut up get a life, well cry me a fuckin river, some boby has to do it you stupid mother fuckers of this world sure arent going to go against your masters"SCARED LITTLE BITCHES". better yet wont you come shut me up if your not scared your to scared to say anything to your masters so lets see if you will try. yes google go head take this blog take everything I have just like your own masters want you to hide the truth, lie for them just like they want. I dont care you wont silence me or the others who hold the actuall truth and not all these fuckin lie you hear on the fuckin so called news.
Yeah the news when is it ever the fuckin truth , some one please tell me, if I m a person who voilates the law then what the fuck are you and all the leaders of this world, when every fuckin word that come out of your mouth is a FUCKING LIE and when do they ever tell the truth. oh you fuckin cenoring bastards are just scared of the real truth and how bad it might hurt you and your fat ass fuckin wallet paded by all your fuckin lies.